Digital Dash

Printable Christmas Mystery

Today’s guide is the last in my 24 Days of Christmas series. I hope you all have enjoyed the picks I’ve found this month. It has been a lot of fun exploring Etsy to this degree. In fact I’ve enjoyed it so much I plan on continuing this feature on a biweekly basis in the new year. Sometimes it may be more frequently than thatdepending on my schedule. Some time next week I will be posting a list of upcoming themes and you can send me suggestions at anytime here or via convo on Etsy.

Now I know many of you may have discovered someone on your list got missed. Many of the gift certificates on yesterdays guide may provide a quick fix, but I thought I’d share with you some of the other digital options etsians offer. And while your checking these out, if you have a sec, check out my  printable Christmas Mystery kit. I’ll be available to send out the PDF up until 1am Mountian Time (maybe later, depends on how late Santa needs help).

The Etsy artists featured in this gift guide are:

spoonfulofchocolate, bredndee2006, WildBlueberryInk, TracyAnnDigitalArt, Accentuate, barbosaart, mymagicbutton, amber84, justBEEcause, purplepickle, ArtCult, colorblast, patricksmomma, edafedd, Hudsonsholidays, sadieandoliver, wosiesandwhatnots, ManiMina, pinkroses1220, printableproject, punkynmunky, BlueManateeTutorials, mariposa, and everydaycelebrations

Oh did I forget to mention? You guys get to help pick up coming themes now!

Have a happy holiday and I’ll see you next year!